After purchasing a Raspberry Pi 2, I decided to move some of my projects to it. I also added an external 2.5 inch USB drive via a USB hub. I store various sensor information in a MongoDB database and needed everything to run on the R-Pi 2. I chose to stick with the well-supported Debian Linux port, Raspbian Wheezy, as opposed to ARCH Linux that I used on my old R-Pi B+, as the R-Pi 2 has a quad core ARMv7 processor that requires a new kernel.
UPDATE (30 January 2016): I’ve compiled MongoDB 3.0.9 and tools for R-Pi 2 Raspbian (Jessie). Check here.
UPDATE (25 December 2015): Instructions for compiling MongoDB 3.0.7 and tools for R-Pi 2 running Raspbian Jessie are now available. Check here.
UPDATE (8 November 2015): If you are running Raspbian Jessie, you can “apt-get install mongodb”. This will result in an install of MongoDB v2.4. Good enough for most uses and you get a working mongo shell 😉 If you want MongoDB v2.6.3, read-on!
I was back to hunting for a compatible MongoDB binary — or instructions on how to compile from source. Research showed that MongoDB does not compile for ARM after version 2.6.3 🙁 Searching the ‘net led me to the “facat’ blog.” This blog shows how to cross-compile MongoDB 2.6.3 for ARM. Precompiled binaries are also available. NOTE that the mongo shell does NOT work correctly on the R-Pi. “mongod”, the server, does work fine and can be accessed programmatically or via a mongo shell from another (non-R-Pi) computer. I use “mongo” on my Mac to connect to “mongod” running on the R-Pi 2.
more after the break
I created a “mongodb.conf” in “/etc” that configures MongoDB to use a data directory and log file on my USB-connected hard drive which is mounted on “/mnt”. The config file:
$ cat mongodb.conf
destination: file
path: "/mnt/log/mongodb/mongodb.log"
logAppend: true
quiet: true
dbPath: "/mnt/DBdata"
enabled: true
fork: true
bindIp: XXX.0.0.XXX
port: 27017
I invoke mongod with “mongod -f /etc/mongodb.conf” I connect via mongo on my Mac with “mongo −−host XXX.0.0.XXX” You can get a zip file of all of the MongoDB executables here. NOTE again that the MongoDB shell, “mongo” does not work correctly on the R-Pi and throws a segment fault on many operations.
I also recommend Robomongo, a shell-centric cross-platform open source MongoDB management tool (i.e. Admin GUI). Robomongo embeds the same JavaScript engine that powers MongoDB’s mongo shell. It is available for Mac, Windows and Linux.
Very interesting 🙂 but is MongoDB on R-Pi2 limited to around 2GB of data ?
Yes, given the 32-bit nature of the R-Pi’s ARM CPU, databases are limited to 2GB. I create multiple databases for large data needs and use Javascript to query and combine result sets.
Although yes they may be limited in their use, especially when only using one. I look at it this way. It’s an embedded client that can be connected to a server. The server being the one with more compute and capacity. I have had no trouble with the limit storage since the data can be synced and flushed daily/weekly/monthly.
With the new Raspbian Jessie, is it possible to get a new MongoDB (version 3.x.x)?
Update 22 Dec 2015: OK you CAN compile MongoDB 3.0.x on a R-Pi 2 running Jessie. Instructions coming soon… The WiredTiger engine does not work under 32-bit ARM, however.
MongoDB 3.x requires a 64-bit processor which the R-Pi 2 does NOT have (Raspian Jessie is a 32-bit OS). I also believe MongoDB 3.x only runs on Intel processors, currently.Robomongo is not working.
I installed it with this guide
It gives following error:
bash: /usr/bin/robomongo/bin/robomongo: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error
I think this error is because the robomongo does not support arm.
Please help.
Pradip, As you noted Robomongo does not run on ARM under Raspbian. I use Robomongo on my Mac to connect remotely into my MongoDB DBs on my R-Pis 😉 Otherwise I just stick to the mongo shell on R-Pi.
This looks promissing –
A web site devoted to running mongdb on Pis.
Good luck!
Note that this site points to 64-bit MongoDB binaries that run on an R-Pi 3 under OpenSUSE Leap 42.2