Official MongoDB 3.4 on ODROID-C2 under Ubuntu

I’m a big fan of MongoDB but contrary to its “humongous” orientation, I like to think small as in ARM-based SBCs like the Raspberry Pi or ODROID-C2 and DBs under a terabyte 😉  You can get a lot of power out of tiny inexpensive computers and USB disk drives!  You can find my blog entries, below, for getting 32-bit MongoDB 3.0 working on R-Pi and 64-bit, MongoDB 3.2 working under ArchLinux ARM on ODROID-C2.

I had seen MongoDB community requests for a 64-bit ARM version and even a mention that there was “official experimental” development going on – including the efficient WiredTiger storage engine.  I recently perused the MongoDB Community Edition documentation for version 3.4 and saw a download option for “Ubuntu 16.04 Linux 64-bit ARM 64” on the MongoDB Download Center.  Ubuntu 16.04 is the default Linux supplied with the ODROID-C2 🙂  You can purchase a bare ODROID-C2 for US$40 at Hardkernel. Micro SD card or EMMC module with preinstalled Ubuntu Linux is extra.

Click more for installation instructions.


[UPDATE 03/2018] Check out this blog post for instructions on installing MongoDB 3.6 under Ubuntu 16.04.3.

Installing version 3.4 on the ODROID-C2 under Ubuntu is way easy!  You can find instructions in the MongoDB 3.4 installation guide.

Get to a command prompt with a “sudo” user.  Get the GPG key, add the MongoDB repository, and install the package:

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// \
--recv 0C49F3730359A14518585931BC711F9BA15703C6

echo "deb [ arch=amd64,arm64,ppc64el,s390x ] \ xenial/mongodb-enterprise/3.4 multiverse" \
| sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-enterprise.list

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-enterprise


You can check out the version installed:

mongod --version

db version v3.4.1
git version: 5e103c4f5583e2566a45d740225dc250baacfbd7
OpenSSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.2g  1 Mar 2016
allocator: tcmalloc
modules: enterprise 
build environment:
    distmod: ubuntu1604
    distarch: aarch64
    target_arch: aarch64


Check out my cluster of ODROID-C2s running MongoDB in this blog post.


6 thoughts on “Official MongoDB 3.4 on ODROID-C2 under Ubuntu”

  1. Pingback: MongoDB 3.2.10 running under Arch Linux ARM 64 bit

  2. Hello Andy thanks for your nice posts! Andy i have to build a web HMI using ODROID- C2 nodejs angularjs2 mongodb 64 bits and mosquitto. I have few months experience on linux and really love it compare to window. I’m trying to run the system in kios solution with chrome or chromium open in full screen. I will have nice graphics on my pages svg. What would choose as solution to use minimal memory for this purpose? Openbox, light desktop environment, light window manager, startx chrome? I really just need web browser nothing more. I’m lost in your linux world… Thanks you

  3. Andy i forgot to ask you also wich distribution will you install in my case for low memory usage? Ubuntu or arch linux?

    1. Arch would probablt result in the snallest footprint (disk and RAM) but I recommend the offcially supported Ubuntu 16.04 as being more stable with more packages available (that work). You can also get the official MongoDB 3.4 release for it.

      1. Thanks for your time Andy! Could i run my chromium application without desktop environment with only openbox? Minimal Ubuntu installation + openbox or maybe i will face to much issue because i need to get the ODROID 7 inch touchscreen working?

  4. Pingback: UPDATE: MongoDB 3.6 on ODROID C2 with Ubuntu 16.04.3 – ARM64

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