I recently visited relatives that frequent casinos at Niagara Falls. I decided to brush-up my Blackjack skills (or lack thereof). I was also looking to enhance my Python (CircuitPython, that is) skills by developing projects, such as this Blackjack game 😉
The Adafruit PyPortal IoT Device with display has everything you need to connect to the internet, build rich GUIs, connect various sensors AND is easy to program in CircuitPython using Adafruit libraries. The “Explore & Learn” area on the Adafruit website is filled with great sample code, nifty apps and lots of inspiration.
When not working on a personal project, I install various projects from Adafruit on my PyPortal. A few of my favorites are the PyPortal Weather Station, the PyPortal ISS Tracker, and the PyPortal NASA Image of the Day Viewer. I also examine and learn techniques from other projects such as the PyPortal Alarm Clock.
After examining the code for these projects and reading documentation for the PyPortal and CircuitPython Libraries, I started developing my Blackjack game. Code examples were great but I had a harder time finding the libraries I needed in order to understand how graphics were displayed. A short guide, “CircuitPython Display Support Using displayio” really helped me understand the use of sprites, graphics as bitmaps, groups, etc. Definitely worth checking out.
I looked around open-source/free images to use for a Blackjack deck of cards. The size and resolution of the cards would be dependent on the layout of the cards for player and dealer – and needed to fit cards within 320 x 240 pixels. I went for side by side cards with the dealer’s cards on top and the player’s cards on the bottom. I decided that 6 cards across (with no overlap to make things easier) was the maximum needed. Most Blackjack games provide an automatic “win” when a player gets 6 cards with a total under 21. I also needed display space for buttons and messages.
The use of sprites is ideal for a card game. I used Photoshop to convert a mini SVG playing card set to RGB, then indexed colors, and then saved in a Windows BMP format. These images are distributed under the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA license. The card suits can be represented by 4 sprites (hearts, diamonds, clubs, spades) and the rank cards (2, 3, 4… 10, J, Q, K, A) by 13 X 2 sprites – i.e. 13 ranks in the colors red and black. I also needed a “container” to hold these sprites – i.e. a card outline image. I created a TileGrid with all the various card elements..
My favorite Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for developing Python code on a Mac for the PyPortal is Mu. You can check out some of my other blog posts where are I describe its use.
My PyPortal is currently running Adafruit CircuitPython 4.0.1. I have seen a 5.x alpha release but have not tested under it. I believe if you are running 4.x on your PyPortal, my code should install and run. If you try it under 5.x, let me know!
The “code.py” file is over 500 lines long. I do NOT recommend this as good practice 😉 I also bounced back-and-forth with classes versus functions. I use global variables (gasp). Developing this game was primarily meant to be a learning process. I wanted to see what the PyPortal could do – and learn how to use sound, graphics, animation(sprites) and fonts. To that end, I was successful.
Quick setup:
Ensure that you PyPortal is setup with the stable version of CircuitPython – version 4.1 at the time of this post.
Download the adafruit-circuitpython-bundle-4.x-mpy-*.zip bundle zip file, and unzip a folder of the same name. Inside you’ll find a lib folder. Add the lib folder to your CIRCUITPY drive. This will ensure you have all the drivers. Note that these files change (are updated) over time – you can find the latest libraries on GitHub.
Download and extract files from my PyPortal_Blackjack_1_0.zip zipped folder. MD5 Checksum: e9c28395dd167654be580b76e76cbafd for PyPortal_Blackjack_1_0.zip. Files found in the folder:
- card_deck_BMP.bmp – group of card rank and suit sprites
- card_image1.bmp – blank card used with sprites for display
- code.py – auto-executed python code for game
- deal_card_small.wav – card dealt sound effect
- dealer_card.bmp – card back image for dealer hidden card
- fonts folder – fonts – may need to merge with any existing fonts
- poker_chips_small.wav – WIN sound effect
- secrets.py – not used by this project – user info – blank!
- shut_off.wav – LOSE sound effect
Assuming you have the CircuitPython libraries on your PyPortal. you can drag all the above files onto your CIRCUITPY drive. You can restart the PyPortal and/or connect to the Mu app and run.
You can edit the “code.py” file to add functionality, fix any bugs or just enhance in general ;-). Note the use of a “DEBUG” flag, set in line 20. When “True,” this prints out interesting info and helped in development and debugging. There are a few thing I have not gotten-to, yet. I do not handle immediate “blackjack”and you cannot split a hand. Please share code and/or comments in the comments section.
import time
import board
import displayio
import adafruit_imageload
import random
import adafruit_touchscreen
from adafruit_pyportal import PyPortal
from adafruit_bitmap_font import bitmap_font
from adafruit_display_text.label import Label
display = board.DISPLAY
# colors
GREEN = 0x008800
BLACK = 0x000000
GRAY = 0x888888
# Use debug flag to enable display/print of info
DEBUG = False
button_font = bitmap_font.load_font('/fonts/Arial-16.bdf')
button_font.load_glyphs(b'0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-,.:/! ')
msg_font = bitmap_font.load_font('/fonts/Arial-Bold-24.bdf')
msg_font.load_glyphs(b'0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-,.:/! ')
lose_file = '/shut_off.wav'
win_file = "/poker_chips_small.wav"
deal_card = "/deal_card_small.wav"
# define player class for player AND dealer
class Player:
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
num_cards = 0
num_wins = 0
num_losses = 0
sum_cards = 0
play_card_list = []
player = Player("Player")
dealer = Player("Dealer")
# take player's hand and center on the bottom of display
# some "magic" numbers here as I adjusted values "visually" for a good look
def centerPlayerCards(num_cards):
card_no = num_cards
looper = 0
width = card_no * 50
while looper < card_no:
card_x = 160 - int((width / 2))
card_y = 164
spriteCardList[looper].x = card_x + (looper * 50)
spriteCardList[looper].y = card_y
spriteList[looper].x = card_x + 7 + (looper * 50)
spriteList[looper].y = card_y + 4
looper += 1
return True
# take dealers's hand and center on top of the display
# some "magic" numbers here as I adjusted values "visually" for a good look
def centerDealerCards(num_cards):
card_no = num_cards
looper = 0
width = card_no * 50
card_x = 160 - int((width / 2))
card_y = 5
spriteCardList[12].x = card_x + (looper * 50)
spriteCardList[12].y = card_y
while looper < card_no:
card_x = 160 - int((width / 2))
card_y = 5
spriteCardList[looper+6].x = card_x + (looper * 50)
spriteCardList[looper+6].y = card_y
spriteList[looper+6].x = card_x + 7 + (looper * 50)
spriteList[looper+6].y = card_y + 4
looper += 1
return True
# Hit functions add a card to plyer or dealers hand
# - assumes there is sprit list of 12 cards where
# - first 6 are player's and last 6 are dealer's
# - making this sprite list, before game play, enhances performance ;-)
def playerHit():
global group
player.num_cards += 1
fillCards("player", player.num_cards)
# commented out card deal sound as it was erratic in terms of timing
# pyportal.play_file(deal_card)
group.append(spriteCardList[player.num_cards -1])
group.append(spriteList[player.num_cards - 1])
def dealerHit():
global group
dealer.num_cards += 1
fillCards("dealer", dealer.num_cards)
# commented out card deal sound as it was erratic in terms of timing
# pyportal.play_file(deal_card)
group.append(spriteCardList[dealer.num_cards +5])
group.append(spriteList[dealer.num_cards + 5])
# single deck deal - using deck list 52 cards w/ tuples of rank (13), suit (4)
def deal(deck):
hand = []
for i in range(2):
card = deck.pop()
return hand
# calculate current hand total - for player or dealer (who)
# - handles Ace being 1 or 11 depending on hand total
def player_total(who):
total = 0
aces = 0
for card in who.play_card_list:
print("Player Card List: " + str(card))
cardval = card[0]
if cardval > 9:
total+= 10
else: total += cardval
if cardval == 1: #cardval of 1 is an Ace - add 1 + 10 to total
total+= 10
aces += 1
while aces > 0 and total > 21: # try to avoid a bust by changing ace values from 11 to 1
total -= 10 # until the bust has ben avoided, or you're out of aces
aces -= 1
return total
# place rank and suite sprites inside card_list
# - fast way to update the screen
def fillCards(who, num_cards):
if who == "player":
looper = 0
card_no = num_cards
else: # else it is the dealer
looper = 6
card_no = num_cards +6
while looper < card_no:
if who == "player":
player_card = player.play_card_list[looper]
player_card = dealer.play_card_list[looper - 6]
suitL = player_card[1]
if suitL < 2:
suit_index = suitL
suit_index = suitL + 13
spriteList[looper][1] = suit_index
card_val = player_card[0]
if suit_index < 2:
spriteList[looper][0] = card_val + 1
spriteList[looper][0] = card_val + 16
looper += 1
# create label with player's wins/losses
def get_score():
global player
score_text = "Wins: " + str(player.num_wins) + " - Losses: " + str(player.num_losses)
win_score_text = Label(button_font, text=score_text)
win_score_text.x = 160 - int((win_score_text.bounding_box[2])/2)
win_score_text.y = 95
win_score_text.color = BLACK
return win_score_text
# set x, y values and color to center message lable/text
def center_label(the_label):
label_dims = the_label.bounding_box
print("Bounding box: " + str(label_dims))
the_label.x = 160 - int(label_dims[2]/2)
the_label.y = 120
the_label.color = 0x000000
print('setting up labels...')
text_group = displayio.Group(max_size=8)
stand_text = Label(msg_font, text=" Stand ")
stand_text.x = 10
stand_text.color = BLACK
# Make a background color fill
dims = stand_text.bounding_box
stand_text.y = 140 - int((dims[3] + dims[1]) / 2)
print("STAND bounding box: " + str(dims))
stand_textbg_bitmap = displayio.Bitmap(dims[2]+10, dims[3]+10, 1)
stand_textbg_palette = displayio.Palette(1)
stand_textbg_palette[0] = 0xfff67b
stand_textbg_sprite = displayio.TileGrid(stand_textbg_bitmap,
x=stand_text.x+dims[0]-1, y=stand_text.y+dims[1]-5)
hit_text = Label(msg_font, text=" Hit ")
hit_text.x = 232
hit_text.color = 0x000000
# Make a background color fill
dims = hit_text.bounding_box
hit_text.y = 140 - int((dims[3] + dims[1]) / 2)
print("HIT bounding box: " + str(dims))
hit_textbg_bitmap = displayio.Bitmap(dims[2]+10, dims[3]+10, 1)
hit_textbg_palette = displayio.Palette(1)
hit_textbg_palette[0] = 0xfff67b
hit_textbg_sprite = displayio.TileGrid(stand_textbg_bitmap,
x=205, y=stand_text.y+dims[1]-5)
msg_text = Label(msg_font, text=" BUSTED ")
win_text = Label(msg_font, text=" You WIN ")
push_text = Label(msg_font, text=" PUSH ")
lose_text = Label(msg_font, text=" You LOSE ")
# lose_dims = lose_text.bounding_box
# lose_text.x = 160 - int(lose_dims[2]/2)
# lose_text.y = 120
# lose_text.color = 0x000000
bj_text = Label(msg_font, text=" BLACKJACK! ")
# bj_dims = bj_text.bounding_box
# bj_text.x = 160 - int(bj_dims[2]/2)
# bj_text.y = 120
# bj_text.color = 0x000000
# Make an enclosing box with background color fill for messages
msg_textbg_bitmap = displayio.Bitmap(320, 78, 1)
msg_textbg_palette = displayio.Palette(1)
msg_textbg_palette[0] = 0xfff67b
msg_textbg_sprite = displayio.TileGrid(msg_textbg_bitmap,
x=0, y= 83 )
# setup touchscreen - values taken from Adafruit example
ts = adafruit_touchscreen.Touchscreen(board.TOUCH_XL, board.TOUCH_XR,
board.TOUCH_YD, board.TOUCH_YU,
calibration=((5200, 59000), (5800, 57000)),
size=(320, 240))
# Load the sprite sheet (bitmap)
(sprite_sheet, palette) = adafruit_imageload.load('/card_deck_BMP.bmp',
bitmap=displayio.Bitmap, palette=displayio.Palette)
# Setup 12 cards as this is the max that can be displayed
# Create a rank + suit sprite list (tilegrid)
spriteList = []
looper = 0
while looper < 12:
looper += 1
# create the dealer face-down card sprite
(dlr_sprite_sheet, dlr_palette) = adafruit_imageload.load('/dealer_card.bmp',
bitmap=displayio.Bitmap, palette=displayio.Palette)
print("DEALER Sprite Sheet: ", str(dlr_sprite_sheet))
# create a card outline sprite)
(sprite_sheet, palette) = adafruit_imageload.load('/card_image1.bmp',
bitmap=displayio.Bitmap, palette=displayio.Palette)
# Create a sprite list for card images
spriteCardList = []
looper = 0
while looper < 12:
looper += 1
# for spriteCardList[12] - add the face-down card
# Make the green background color
color_bitmap = displayio.Bitmap(320, 240, 1)
color_palette = displayio.Palette(1)
color_palette[0] = GREEN
bg_sprite = displayio.TileGrid(color_bitmap,
pixel_shader=color_palette, x=0,
# Create a Group to hold the sprites
group = displayio.Group(max_size=48, scale=1)
game = True
while game:
# get a deck of cards, and randomly shuffle it
# deck = get_deck()
# print(deck)
# random.shuffle(deck)
deck = []
while len(deck) < 52:
ranks = random.randint(1, 13)
suits = random.choice([0, 1, 2, 3])
card = (ranks, suits)
if card not in deck:
print('Deck length or shuffled deck: ' + str(len(deck)))
# deal 2 cards to player and dealer
player.play_card_list = deal(deck)
player.sum_cards = player.play_card_list[0][0] + player.play_card_list[1][0]
player.num_cards = 2
print("DeckLength: " + str(len(deck)))
print("PlayerHand: " + str(player.play_card_list))
print("PlayerSum: " + str(player.sum_cards))
print("Player Total: " + str(player_total(player)))
dealer.play_card_list = deal(deck)
dealer.num_cards = 2
print("DealerHand: " + str(dealer.play_card_list))
print("DeckLength: " + str(len(deck)))
score_text = get_score()
# calculate layout of cards
card_num_loop = 3
fillCards("player", 2)
fillCards("dealer", 2)
looper = 0
face_down_index = 0
while looper < (card_num_loop - 1):
centerPlayerCards(looper + 1)
centerDealerCards(looper + 1)
if looper == 0:
face_down_index = len(group) - 1
# pyportal.play_file(deal_card)
looper += 1
# time.sleep(3)
# play the hand
quit = False
while not quit:
player_stand = False
busted = False
got_touch = False
while not player_stand:
point = ts.touch_point
if point is not None:
print("Point: " + str(point))
if 160 < point[0] < 319:
got_touch = True
p_total = player_total(player)
print("Player Total: " + str(p_total))
if p_total > 21:
busted = True
player_stand = True
quit = True
elif 5 < point[0] < 159:
player_stand = True
got_touch = True
quit = True
# board.DISPLAY.refresh_soon()
# board.DISPLAY.wait_for_frame()
if not busted:
d_total = player_total(dealer)
group.pop(face_down_index) # if player stands show dealer face-down card
while d_total < 17:
d_total = player_total(dealer)
print("Dealer Total: " + str(d_total))
if d_total > 21:
quit = True
p_total = player_total(player)
d_total = player_total(dealer)
print("Player Total: " + str(p_total))
print("Dealer Total: " + str(d_total))
if p_total > 21:
group.pop(face_down_index) # if player is busted, show dealer face-down card
quit = True
# If player is under 21 and over dealer or dealer has busted, player wins - update wins/losses
if (d_total < p_total < 22) or (d_total > 21):
player.num_wins += 1
elif d_total == p_total: # push - if dealer == player
player.num_losses += 1
if busted:
# clean up board by pop-ing sprites - nice graphics effect
looper = 0
loopend = len(group) - 1
while looper < loopend:
looper += 1
# time.sleep(2)
# reinitialize player and dealer for next hand
p_wins = player.num_wins
p_lost = player.num_losses
player = Player("Player")
dealer = Player("Dealer")
player.num_wins = p_wins
player.num_losses = p_lost
Pingback: A PyPortal Blackjack game: uses sprites, touch, audio #PyPortal #CircuitPython #Gaming @AndyOfLinux « Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers!
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Pingback: Blackjack Game Plays With the Limits of PyPortal
Filed under: CircuitPython, gaming, graphics, Programming, PyPortal Tags: audio, blackjack, game, gaming, pyportal, sprites, touch, touchscreen by Anne Barela Comments Off on A PyPortal Blackjack game: uses sprites, touch, audio #PyPortal #CircuitPython #Gaming @AndyOfLinux
getting error in 121
More info needed. What version of CircuitPython are you using? Hmmm. Immediate error or after a while? Did you turn on “DEBUG?” Any more info in the error message? — Thanks, Andy
Keep sharing such information.