As mentioned in my other posts, I like to use no-SQL, document-oriented, databases for my various projects. My favorite is MongoDB but that requires running Ubuntu OS on the Raspberry Pi. I also use CouchDB and it has worked nicely in single node configuration on various Raspberry Pi. I have compiled CouchDB from source in the past and attempted to do that for my Raspberry Pi 5 under Raspberry OS (version 12, bookworm). I could not get it to compile using instructions found on the Apache CouchDB website ( Certain required libraries could not be found in the R-Pi repositories – and I could I not build these from source. Looking a little deeper into the CouchDB docs, I found that there are install binaries for Debian OS, the basis for Raspberry OS. I also discovered that there are ARM binaries! SO, it turns out, you can install CouchDB using the documented convenience binary package found at You enable the CouchDB repository and install using normal “sudo apt install couchb” Install, along with configuration, was easy from a terminal (local or via ssh). I used the generic server bind address of “” so I could connect from other devices on my network. You also need to setup an admin account with the latest 3.4 version – which required me to then add credentials to my URL/GET scripts. Hope this note helps some folks out as I did not find much recent info with the normal Google search.